Nate the Window Man is now NWM SERVICES LLC.

Still the same man, just going through a re-brand! Thank YOU for the support!!

-A Clean You've Never Seen-

15 Years Experience: Licensed and Insured

Get Your Free Estimate Today! 937-242-5978

About Nate the Window Man

I began professionally cleaning windows 15 years ago. I started with high-rise and worked mostly commercial but residentials is where I found my people. During my time with different companies, I have always been asked 'why don't you have your own company' or 'when are you starting your own business'?  After time, I asked myself the same question and with that thought in mind, I started my own window cleaning service. This business is for the people who encouraged and believed in me, thank you! I love the connections I have made and the satisfaction my services bring to those I work with.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -Nate the Window Man